Update: code can now be found on github.
The other day, a mate of mine sent me this game to play, saying to me 'you're a programmer - you figure it out!'. I got stuck on level 10 (shown below) and thought 'why not make a program to figure out a solution' - so here's the results: [[posterous-content:oeuhwoseqJdcCJqHBbap]]
Firstly, I needed a way to simulate a given attempt. The game has three functions: main, f1, and f2, of 12, 8, and 8 commands respectively. So my function accepts an array with 28 elements - 0-11 are main, 12-19 are f1, and 20-27 are f2. The possible commands for each element of this array are: enum Cmd { Nothing, Call1, Call2, Jump, Left, Right, Light, Forwards };
So this function to simulate an attempt is called 'TryPath', and it accepts an array of 28 of the above Cmd's.
Next, we need some way of trying many solutions. Firstly i tried simply choosing random solutions over and over until it finds a solution. I tried this and left it running overnight with no success. After that, i remembered a class back at Uni about evolutionary algorithms. The basic idea is that you randomly create a generation of 1000 solutions. You then try and score all those solutions. For the next generation, you make several morphed copies of the prior solutions that had some success, and go from there until you find a solution that succeeds.
Update: Scoring the solutions uses a thing known as a 'fitness function', which is often the crux of a genetic algorithm. In this case, my scoring is boolean: A solution is 'good' if it lights either one of the light pads.
Here is the application in action, as you can see it takes roughly 2 minutes to find a working solution, after trying 14 million possible solutions:
Begin: 20/10/2008 2:16:27 PM Tries: 14,200,000 Halfway: 236 Fresh: 382 Morphed: 236 Spread: 382 WINNER: Left,Call1,Call2,Call2,Call1,Right,Forwards,Left,Left,Call2,Call1,Call2 Light,Forwards,Forwards,Right,Forwards,Jump,Forwards,Left Call1,Nothing,Left,Call1,Jump,Light,Jump,Forwards End: 20/10/2008 2:18:04 PM
The hilarious thing about this is watching the solution in action - all the solutions i've tried from this application take the most bizarre path when you watch it in the game, but somehow end up working in the end.
The code (C#) and executable are on github (link above). With further work, this could be modified to: * Support more than 2 light squares, so you could find solutions to other levels * Keep running for a week or so, returning a list of all solutions it found, and sorting them by elegance or frugality.
Update - Here are some more solutions that it created:
Call2,Call2,Forwards,Light,Right,Right,Call2,Call1,Jump,Call2,Call1,Call2 Right,Nothing,Jump,Forwards,Light,Forwards,Light,Left Forwards,Left,Jump,Jump,Forwards,Call1,Right,Jump Call1,Call1,Call2,Call2,Nothing,Left,Call1,Right,Call1,Right,Call2,Forwards Left,Light,Forwards,Right,Jump,Forwards,Jump,Forwards Left,Call1,Left,Jump,Call1,Jump,Forwards,Nothing Forwards,Call2,Forwards,Call2,Call2,Call1,Call2,Right,Call2,Right,Call1,Nothing Jump,Nothing,Forwards,Left,Right,Forwards,Left,Light Call1,Jump,Call1,Left,Left,Light,Light,Call1 Call1,Call1,Nothing,Call1,Right,Jump,Right,Light,Light,Light,Light,Call1 Call2,Jump,Left,Call2,Light,Call2,Jump,Left Forwards,Right,Forwards,Jump,Light,Forwards,Left,Nothing Call1,Left,Call2,Forwards,Nothing,Right,Nothing,Call1,Jump,Jump,Left,Call2 Jump,Light,Forwards,Forwards,Forwards,Right,Light,Jump Jump,Left,Jump,Call1,Forwards,Nothing,Call1,Forwards Left,Call2,Call2,Call2,Call2,Left,Forwards,Left,Call1,Light,Light,Call2 Left,Light,Jump,Left,Forwards,Right,Jump,Forwards Call1,Forwards,Nothing,Nothing,Jump,Forwards,Call1,Forwards Forwards,Jump,Call2,Call2,Call1,Call1,Call2,Right,Forwards,Left,Call1,Call2 Jump,Forwards,Light,Right,Jump,Nothing,Forwards,Jump Nothing,Call1,Jump,Left,Jump,Left,Call1,Call1 Call1,Call1,Jump,Nothing,Nothing,Call2,Call1,Light,Left,Jump,Left,Call1 Call2,Call2,Forwards,Forwards,Jump,Left,Jump,Call2 Jump,Forwards,Light,Right,Nothing,Jump,Forwards,Forwards Call2,Left,Light,Light,Call2,Call2,Left,Call1,Call1,Jump,Call1,Call2 Right,Light,Forwards,Jump,Left,Forwards,Right,Left Light,Call1,Light,Call1,Left,Call1,Call1,Nothing Call2,Light,Call1,Call2,Call1,Jump,Forwards,Forwards,Nothing,Light,Call1,Nothing Left,Forwards,Call2,Call2,Call2,Forwards,Left,Forwards Right,Jump,Forwards,Forwards,Light,Left,Jump,Light
Update: Someone emailed me to say he had ported this to C and D, and it creates solutions in a matter of seconds, not minutes. Definitely interesting! Have a look
Thanks for reading! And if you want to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you: chris.hulbert at gmail.
(Comp Sci, Hons - UTS)
Software Developer (Freelancer / Contractor) in Australia.
I have worked at places such as Google, Cochlear, Assembly Payments, News Corp, Fox Sports, NineMSN, FetchTV, Coles, Woolworths, Trust Bank, and Westpac, among others. If you're looking for help developing an iOS app, drop me a line!
Get in touch:
[email protected]